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a dev tool for react


for Tailwind CSS

Accelerate your React development with visual, intuitive superpowers. Drag, drop, click, and prompt your UI into place. While generating code that looks like you wrote it.



Start building

    MightyMeld has been updated for Tailwind CSS

    1. Click on a div
    2. Edit it visually
    3. Code instantly updates
    Sign up for free

Style your app so fast

Load your app, click anywhere, and use intuitive controls to update your Tailwind styling.

Clean code updates

Syncs with your code on disk in realtime as you work. Diffs so clean, you could’ve sworn you wrote it yourself.

Let the AI handle it

Lazy or stuck? Let the AI update your Tailwind styles for you, so you can spend more time on what matters most.

Build it quick with prefabs

Drag and drop premade, customizable building blocks to scaffold your UI with ease.

A visual studio for every web developer

Working with MUI, Chakra, or another component-based library? No problem, MightyMeld supports that too.

    muiChakra UIEmotionMantisStyled ComponentsAnt Design
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