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OpenAI Launches GPT Store, Eyes AI Monetization Strategy

OpenAI Launches GPT Store, Eyes AI Monetization Strategy
OpenAI Launches GPT Store, Eyes AI Monetization Strategy

As AI continues to surge, OpenAI's launch of the GPT Store and ChatGPT Team for smaller businesses marks a strategic move in AI's monetization journey.

OpenAI's GPT Store emulates the successful model of Apple's App Store, aiming to create a central marketplace for custom AI chatbots. With over 3 million custom ChatGPTs already developed, the company is nurturing an ecosystem rich with developer and user engagement. Key to this ecosystem is the creation of a "leaderboard," spotlighting high-performing GPTs and driving competition within its pro-level subscriber base.

Similarly, OpenAI's revenue-sharing model set for release in Q1 for U.S. users looks to incentivize and sustain this burgeoning developer community. Introducing a revenue model is crucial as OpenAI competes in a crowded 2024 AI marketplace with tech giants like Google and Meta. The GPT Store's success, however, also hinges on addressing burgeoning security concerns regarding chatbot data privacy and control.

With a $25 to $30 monthly subscription tier for businesses via ChatGPT Team, OpenAI is making a decisive push to monetize AI while contending with high operational costs. Whether this strategy will prove as transformative as the apps store remains a focal point for industry watchers.
