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AccountsIQ secures €60M in Series C round

AccountsIQ secures €60M in Series C round
AccountsIQ secures €60M in Series C round

AccountsIQ, based in Dublin, Ireland, secured €60M in Series C funding for its cloud-based accounting platform.

The investment was made by Axiom Equity. AccountsIQ plans to utilize the funds for growth acceleration, team expansion to over 200 employees, and enhancement of its AI capabilities.

Led by CEO and Founder Tony Connolly, the company aims to transform finance functions with its SaaS financial management system, solving multi-currency and multi-level finance issues.

With a second office in London, AccountsIQ supports over 1,000 customers and 20,000+ users worldwide. Connolly noted the funding as a pivotal moment for advancing their product and service offering.
